4 notes tagged with "zettelkasten"

Externalize Your Thinking

Real thinking requires some type of externalization. Notebook, mind maps, text editor, etc.

Tagged with: #zettelkasten, #learning, #thinking, #notes

Published on 2 minutes ago

Permanent Notes

Permanent Notes in Zettelkasten should follow this framework... One idea per note - but as complete as possible in your own words Write as…

Tagged with: #pkm, #zettelkasten, #learning, #notes

Published on 2 minutes ago

Understand by Explaining

You will know how well you understood something only when you explain it to someone else. [ Permanent notes ] will serve this ‘self-test…

Tagged with: #zettelkasten, #learning

Published on 2 minutes ago


Zettelkasten is a Note Taking Process and a Knowledge Management System. It has 3 types of notes… Fleeting notes: Temporary notes for…

Tagged with: #pkm, #zettelkasten, #learning, #notes

Published on 2 minutes ago

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